Thank You, 2023
If 2022 was about me growing and nurturing my dreams, 2023 had to be about me bringing those dreams to life.
As the days lead up to the end of the year, like many people, I like take time to reflect on the choices I've made in the past year. And if I had to summarize one key learning this year had taught me, it would be realizing that I don't have to be 100% ready to try something new. 2023 was a year of action. It was the year when I took my dreams and turned them into reality. It was about taking consistent steps and working towards my goals. It was about taking risks.
I don't have to be 100% ready to try something new.
This is big for me personally because I don’t like uncertainty. I resent surprises. I like my steps meticulously calibrated. Despite that, 2023 forced me to make some leaps of faith. From coming to Boston when I didn’t know anyone here, daring myself to propose traveling to India for a whole month during Summer Break to conduct field research, to applying for a job in the city public health department.
I learned that, at the end of the day, taking risks is an inevitable part of life – no matter what my journey is, whether it be personal, academic or professional. While risk can be intimidating, it is essential to embrace the uncertainty and challenge that comes with it. I've also realized I can't be 100% sure every time, because sometimes I just have to do things to figure it out.